LastUpDate 2019/12/18



These questions aren't difficult.これらの質問は難しくない。

It's not sunny today.今日は晴れではない。

I'm not late.私は遅れていない。(私は遅刻していない。)


Your brother is a member of the soccer team. Your brother isn't a member of the soccer team.

Mike and Yumi are sleepy now.Mike and Yumi aren't sleepy now.

My favorite subject is history.My favorite subject isn't history.


この歌は日本では有名ではない。(Japan/ song / not / is/ in/ this/ famous).This song is not famous in Japan.

あれらの動物たちは空腹ではない。( are / animals / hungry / those / not).Those animals are not hungry.


私は理科が得意ではない。I'm not good at science.

私たちは今、いそがしくない。We aren't busy now.

ケンは12歳ではない。Ken isn't twelve years old.

これらの質問は難しくない。 今日は晴れではない。 私は遅れていない。(私は遅刻していない。)

Your brother isn't a member of the soccer team. Mike and Yumi aren't sleepy now. My favorite subject isn't history.

This song is not famous in Japan. Those animals are not hungry.

I'm not good at science. We aren't busy now. Ken isn't twelve years old.

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