

(I, English, Ms. Green, talk, to, learned, with). I learned English to talk with Ms. Green.

(be, player, hard, I, good, practice, to, a, baseball). I practice hard to be a good baseball player.

(to, got, room, clean, up, his, Ken , early) . Ken got up early to clean his room.

(mother, go, want, with, shopping, to, my, I). I want to go shopping with my mother.

(to, like, friends, computers, they, through, make). They like to make friends through computers.

(is, get, for, to, up, difficult, me, early). To get up early is difficult for me.

(write, English, letter, in, a, Ken, to , tried). Ken tried to write a letter in English.

(cold, drink, I, want , to, something). I want something cold to drink.

(you, I, meet, to, glad, was). I was glad to meet you.


The news made me happy.
I was happy  the news. to hear (when I heard)

We have to do a lot of homework today.
We have a lot of  today. homework to do


私はヒデキのようになりたい。 I want to be like Hideki.

あなたはなぜオーストラリアへ行ったのですか。 英語を勉強するため。 Why did you go to Australia? To study English.

僧侶には彼らにあげるお金はありません。 The priest doesn’t have any money to give them.

人々はその穴を見つけて驚いた。 People were surprised to find the hole.

I learned English to talk with Ms. Green. I practice hard to be a good baseball player. Ken got up early to clean his room. I want to go shopping with my mother. They like to make friends through computers. To get up early is difficult for me. Ken tried to write a letter in English. I want something cold to drink. I was glad to meet you.

to hear (when I heard) homework to do

I want to be like Hideki. Why did you go to Australia? To study English. The priest doesn’t have any money to give them. People were surprised to find the hole.

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