LastUpDate 2019/12/18



なぜこの本は世界中で人気があるのですか。( this / over / popular / is / all / the world / why / book)?Why is this book popular all over the world?

なぜ彼はオーストラリアを訪れたのですか。(did / visit / why / he / Australia)?Why did he visit Australia?

なぜユミは5時に起きるのですか。( Yumi / why / get / five / at / does / up )?Why does Yumi get up at five?

なぜ彼らはイルカが好きなのですか。( they / do / dolphins / why / the / like )?Why do they like the dolphins?

なぜあなたは今新聞を読んでいるのですか。( are / now / why / you / a newspaper / reading )?Why are you reading a newspaper now?


なぜアキはテニスが上手なのですか。  毎日テニスを練習しているからです。Why does Aki play tennis well? Because she practices tennis every day.

なぜあなたはいそがしいのですか。 たくさんの宿題があるからです。Why are you busy? Because I have a lot of homework.

なぜあなたはコンピュータがほしいのですか。 インターネットを使うからです。Why do you want a computer? Because I use the Internet.

なぜケンは走っているのですか。 遅れることができないからです。Why is Ken running? Because he can't be late.

なぜマイクは宇宙博物館を楽しめたのですか。 そこでアポロ11号を見たからです。Why did Mike enjoy the space museum? Because he saw Apollo 11 there.

Why is this book popular all over the world? Why did he visit Australia? Why does Yumi get up at five? Why do they like the dolphins? Why are you reading a newspaper now?

Why does Aki play tennis well? Because she practices tennis every day. Why are you busy? Because I have a lot of homework. Why do you want a computer? Because I use the Internet. Why is Ken running? Because he can't be late. Why did Mike enjoy the space museum? Because he saw Apollo 11 there.

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