LastUpDate 2019/12/18

there is , there are


There is a pillow under the table. テーブルの下に枕が一つあります。

There are many children on the street. 通りにはたくさんの子どもたちがいます。

( ) に適切な単語を入れなさい。

 ( )( ) three doctors in this town. There are

 ( )( ) many great inventions in the room. There are

 ( )( ) any books ( ) your desk? Are there on

 ( )( ) any students ( ) the park. There aren't in

 ( )( ) a lot of money ( ) my bag. There is in

ほぼ同じ意味になるように( ) に適切な単語を入れなさい。

A year has twelve months.
 ( )( ) twelve months in a year. There are

There are two hospitals in our town.
 Our town ( ) two hospitals. has


(the desk , is , postcard , under , there , a). There is a postcard under the desk.

(my room , many , there , clothes , in , are). There are many clothes in my room.

(in , any , there , Kanazawa , museums , are)? Are there any museums in Kanazawa?


木の下に1ぴきの犬がいます。 There is a dog under the tree.

私たちの市には奇妙な動物たちがいます。 There are strange animals in our city.

京都にはいくつかの有名な庭がありますか。 Are there any famous gardens in Kyoto?

テーブルの下に枕が一つあります。 通りにはたくさんの子どもたちがいます。

There are There are Are there on There aren't in There is in

There are has

There is a postcard under the desk. There are many clothes in my room. Are there any museums in Kanazawa?

There is a dog under the tree. There are strange animals in our city. Are there any famous gardens in Kyoto?

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