LastUpDate 2019/12/18



Tom was at the station when I arrived there.トムは私が駅に着いたときそこにいました。

Let's go shopping if you are free.もしあなたがひまなら、買い物に行きましょう。

I didn't go out because I was tired.私は疲れたので外出しませんでした。


My mother was in the kitchen .when I got up

They won't play tennis rainy tomorrow.if it's

I didn't go to school sick.because I was

(  ) 内の単語を並べ替えて意味の通る英文にしなさい。 さらにそれを日本語にしなさい。

I( busy , help , when , is , my mother , she ). I help my mother when she is busy. 母がいそがしいとき、私は彼女を手伝います。

You( read, will , sad , you , be , this book , if). You will be sad if you read this book. もしあなたがこの本を読んだら、あなたは悲しくなるでしょう。

We ( it's, hot , the sea , because , in , swim).We swim in the sea because it's hot. 暑いので、私たちは海で泳ぎます。


私がアメリカにいたとき、私の妹は中学生でした。My sister was a junior high school student when I was in America.

もし、あなたが京都へ行くなら、たくさん写真をとるべきです。You should take a lot of pictures if you go to Kyoto.

母が病院にいるので、私が料理しなければならない。I must cook because my mother is in the hospital.

私が7歳だったとき、私たちは東京に住んでいた。We lived in Tokyo when I was seven.

ケンは朝食を食べなかったので、いま空腹です。Ken is hungry because he didn't eat breakfast.


when I got upif it'sbecause I was

I help my mother when she is busy. 母がいそがしいとき、私は彼女を手伝います。You will be sad if you read this book. もしあなたがこの本を読んだら、あなたは悲しくなるでしょう。We swim in the sea because it's hot. 暑いので、私たちは海で泳ぎます。

My sister was a junior high school student when I was in America.You should take a lot of pictures if you go to Kyoto.I must cook because my mother is in the hospital.We lived in Tokyo when I was seven.Ken is hungry because he didn't eat breakfast.

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