LastUpDate 2019/12/18



インドはカレーで有名です。( famous / is / curry / India / for ).India is famous for curry.

ケンジは早く起きますか。(early / Kenji / up / does / get )?Does Kenji get up early?

ウッドさんはよくピアノを弾きます。(piano / often / the / Ms. Wood / plays ).Ms. Wood often plays the piano.

ユミはひとりで昼食を食べません。(alone / doesn't / lunch / Yumi / eat ).Yumi doesn't eat lunch alone.

この部屋でギターを弾いてはいけません。( this / play / in / room / don't / the guitar).Don't play the guitar in this room.

私はたいてい、夕食後に宿題をします。I( homework / usually / dinner / my / after / do ).I usually do my homework after dinner.

あなたは土曜日に何をしますか。( Saturday / do / do / on / what / you )?What do you do on Saturday?

一緒に野球をしましょう。Let's( together / play / baseball ).Let's play baseball together.

彼女は学校でコンピュータを使いません。She( computer / doesn't / school / a / at / use ).She doesn't use a computer at school.

私たちはいつも10時に寝ます。( go / at / always / bed / we / ten / to ).We always go to bed at ten.

あなたはペンをいくつ持っていますか。( pens / have / many / you / how / do )?How many pens do you have?

あなたは朝食に何を食べますか。( do / have / breakfast/ what / for / you )?What do you have for breakfast?

India is famous for curry. Does Kenji get up early? Ms. Wood often plays the piano. Yumi doesn't eat lunch alone. Don't play the guitar in this room. I usually do my homework after dinner. What do you do on Saturday? Let's play baseball together. She doesn't use a computer at school. We always go to bed at ten. How many pens do you have? What do you have for breakfast?

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