LastUpDate 2019/12/18



誰が英語を教えるのですか。Who teaches English?

マイクは公園へ行きました。Mike went to the park.

静かにしなさい。Be quiet.

あなたはいつ自分の部屋を掃除しましたか。When did you clean your room?

あなたは昨日、何時に起きましたか。What time did you get up yesterday?

あなたは今、なにをしているのですか。What are you doing now?

私の母は前の日曜日、料理しませんでした。My mother didn't cook last Sunday.

あなたの辞書を使ってもいいですか。Can I use your dictionary?

あなたはどうやってここへ来るのですか。How do you come here?

窓を開けてくれませんか。Can you open the window?

ケンはよくひとりで博物館を訪れます。Ken often visits the museum alone.

この映画は若い人々に人気があります。This movie is popular with young people.

Who teaches English? Mike went to the park. Be quiet. When did you clean your room? What time did you get up yesterday? What are you doing now? My mother didn't cook last Sunday. Can I use your dictionary? How do you come here? Can you open the window? Ken often visits the museum alone. This movie is popular with young people.

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