It snowed yesterday.昨日は雪が降った。
It's cold in February.2月は寒い
We have a lot of rain in June.6月は雨が多い。
前の日曜日は雨でした。last Sunday.It was rainy
次の日曜日は晴れるでしょう。 Itnext Sunday.will be sunny
東京の天気はどうですか。 曇りです。 the in Tokyo? cloudy.How's weather It's
明日は暑いでしょうか。 it tomorrow?Will be hot
昨日は涼しかった。 It yesterday.was cool
昨夜雨が降った。 It last night.rained
明日の天気はどうでしょう。( be / the / will / tomorrow / how / weather )?How will the weather be tomorrow?
沖縄の昨日の天気はどうでしたか。( Okinawa / the / in / was / weather / how )yesterday?How was the weather in Okinawa yesterday?
去年は雪が多かった。( of / we / lot / snow / a /had )last year.We had a lot of snow last year.
8月は暑い。It's hot in August.
今日の大阪の天気はどうですか。 晴れです。How's the weather in Osaka today? It's sunny.
来週は暖かいでしょう。It will be warm next week.
It was rainy will be sunny How's weather It's Will be hot was cool rained
How will the weather be tomorrow? How was the weather in Okinawa yesterday? We had a lot of snow last year.
It's hot in August. How's the weather in Osaka today? It's sunny. It will be warm next week.