LastUpDate 2019/12/18

Program5 1b



They the dog.were afraid of

I know .many other stories

It's five o'clock.almost

なぜあなたは空腹なのですか。 朝食を食べなかったからです。
are you ? I didn't have breakfast.Why hungry Because

What for children?should we do poor

昼食を食べましょうか。 はい、たべましょう。
we have lunch? Yes, .Shall let's


この本にはひどい物語がたくさんあります。There are many terrible stories in this book.

たとえば、飛んでいる島についての物語があります。For example, there is a story about a flying island.

その箱の中には、いくらかのお金があります。There is some money in the box.

あなたのかばんの中には、重要なものがありますか。Are there any important things in your bag?(Is there an important thing in your bag?)

どんな種類の音楽がこのCDの中にありますか。What kinds of music are there in this CD?(What kind of music is there in this CD?)

were afraid ofmany other storiesalmostWhy hungry Becauseshould we do poorShall let's

There are many terrible stories in this book.For example, there is a story about a flying island.There is some money in the box.Are there any important things in your bag?(Is there an important thing in your bag?)What kinds of music are there in this CD?(What kind of music is there in this CD?)

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