LastUpDate 2019/12/18


( ) 内の単語を加えて書き換え、その文を日本語に直しなさい。

Ken likes music.(also)Ken also likes music. ケンは音楽も好きです(ケンも音楽が好きです)

He is cool.(always) He is always cool.  彼はいつもかっこいいい。

I get up.(early) I get up early.  私は早く起きる。

日本語と同じ意味になるように( ) 内の単語を並べ替えなさい。

ケンは3ヶ月前にカナダを訪れた。( visited / three / ago / Ken / months / Canada ).Ken visited Canada three months ago.

私の姉はまだ若い。( sister / young / my / still / is ).My sister is still young.

トムは上手にサッカーをすることができる。( well / can / soccer / Tom / play ).Tom can play soccer well.

ユミはたいてい公園を散歩する。( a / the / usually / park / walk / Yumi / in / takes ).Yumi usually takes a walk in the park.

私は昨日テレビを見なかった。I( yesterday/ didn't / TV / watch ). I didn't watch TV yesterday.

この質問は私には難しすぎる。( me/ is / difficult / for / this question / too ).This question is too difficult for me.


私達はまた会うことができます。We can meet again.

それは、ほとんど準備出来ています。It's almost ready.

マイクはひとりで働いています。Mike works alone.

彼はよく遅れる。He is often late.

その少年たちはいつもいっしょにサッカーをします。The boys always play soccer together.

私は本当にあの自転車が欲しい。I really want that bike.

Ken also likes music. ケンは音楽も好きです(ケンも音楽が好きです) He is always cool.  彼はいつもかっこいいい。 I get up early.  私は早く起きる。

Ken visited Canada three months ago. My sister is still young. Tom can play soccer well. Yumi usually takes a walk in the park. I didn't watch TV yesterday. This question is too difficult for me.

We can meet again. It's almost ready. Mike works alone. He is often late. The boys always play soccer together. I really want that bike.

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