LastUpDate 2019/12/18



I can play the piano. 私はピアノをひくことができる。

We can’t swim in this river. 私たちはこの川で泳ぐことができない。

Can Yumi speak English? ユミは英語を話すことができますか。


I watch TV. I can watch TV.

Ken gets up at six. Ken can get up at six.

Ms. Green speaks three languages. Ms. Green can speak three languages.

They play baseball in the park. They can play baseball in the park.


Demi can get to school at eight. Can Demi get to school at eight?

Mark can use a computer. Can Mark use a computer?


I can talk with a man. I can’t talk with a man.

Ms. Green can have a hamburger. Ms. Green can’t have a hamburger.


彼らはその本を読むことができます。 They can read the book.

私たちは自転車で学校へ来ることができません。 We can’t come to school by bike.

グリーンさんは運転することができますか。 はい、できます。 Can Ms. Green drive? Yes, she can.

私はピアノをひくことができる。 私たちはこの川で泳ぐことができない。 ユミは英語を話すことができますか。

I can watch TV. Ken can get up at six. Ms. Green can speak three languages. They can play baseball in the park.

Can Demi get to school at eight? Can Mark use a computer?

I can’t talk with a man. Ms. Green can’t have a hamburger.

They can read the book. We can’t come to school by bike. Can Ms. Green drive? Yes, she can.

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