LastUpDate 2019/12/18



My brother (watching, home, when, I, was, TV, got ). My brother was watching TV when I got home. 私が家に着いたとき弟はテレビを見ていた。

Let’s (sunny, it’s, play, if, tennis) tomorrow. Let’s play tennis if it’s sunny tomorrow. もし明日晴れたらテニスをしましょう。

I (early, went, bed, I, to, tired, because, was). I went to bed early because I was tired. 私は疲れたのではやく寝た。


I   I visited Tokyo. I stayed with my brother when

I  Ken made this desk. don’t think that (that は省略してもよい。)

I'll give this book to you   it. if you like

I  too many people live there. was surprised because


もし、私がコンピュータを手に入れたら、私はゲームをするためにそれを使うつもりです。 I’ll use the computer to play games if I get it. (If I get the computer, I’ll use it to play games.)

ケンがその犬を見たとき、彼は逃げていきました。 Ken ran away when he saw the dog. (When Ken saw the dog, he ran away.)

彼らがまったく本を持っていなかったので、私は驚いた。 I was surprised because they didn’t have any books. (Because they didn’t have any books, I was surprised.)

私は彼らが質素な生活をしていることを知っています。 I know (that) they live a simple life.

私の両親が私をどこへも連れて行かないので私は悲しい。 I’m sad because my parents don’t take me anywhere. (Because my parents don’t take me anywhere, I’m sad.)

私はコミュニケーションは重要だと思います。 I think (that) communication is important.

私が公園についたとき、彼らは野球をしていた。 They were playing baseball when I got to the park. (When I got to the park, they were playing baseball.)

My brother was watching TV when I got home. 私が家に着いたとき弟はテレビを見ていた。 Let’s play tennis if it’s sunny tomorrow. もし明日晴れたらテニスをしましょう。 I went to bed early because I was tired. 私は疲れたのではやく寝た。

I stayed with my brother when don’t think that (that は省略してもよい。) if you like was surprised because

I’ll use the computer to play games if I get it. (If I get the computer, I’ll use it to play games.) Ken ran away when he saw the dog. (When Ken saw the dog, he ran away.) I was surprised because they didn’t have any books. (Because they didn’t have any books, I was surprised.) I know (that) they live a simple life. I’m sad because my parents don’t take me anywhere. (Because my parents don’t take me anywhere, I’m sad.) I think (that) communication is important. They were playing baseball when I got to the park. (When I got to the park, they were playing baseball.)


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