LastUpDate 2019/12/18



I know to study English. when Ken started

I want to know this desk. who broke

We know to school. how Tom comes

I don’t know . what you want


I don’t know what I should buy for my sister.
I don’t know buy for my sister. what to

What should I do for them? Please tell me.
Please tell me for them. what I should do


私はなぜ彼らが傷ついたのか知っています。I know . why they were injured

ここから駅までどのくらいかかるか教えてください。Please tell me . how long it takes from here to the station

私はケンが何冊本を持っているのか知りません。I don’t know . how many books Ken has

あなたはどのバスが市役所へ行くのか知っていますか。Do you know ? which bus goes to City Hall


私はあなたが何を意味しているかわかりません。 I don’t know what you mean.

私はケンがどこに住んでいるか知りたい。 I want to know where Ken lives.

なぜあなたが京都へ行ったのか私に教えてください。 Please tell me why you went to Kyoto.

when Ken started who broke how Tom comes what you want

what to what I should do

why they were injured how long it takes from here to the station how many books Ken has which bus goes to City Hall

I don’t know what you mean. I want to know where Ken lives. Please tell me why you went to Kyoto.


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