LastUpDate 2019/12/18

関係代名詞 2


I know the boy.   Ms. Green gave him the book. I know the boy (that) Ms. Green gave the book.

The boy is from Tokyo.   He broke the window. The boy who broke the window is from Tokyo.

I talked with the man.   He had a cat. I talked with the man who had a cat.

The girl is taller than Ken.   I saw her yesterday. The girl (that) I saw yesterday is taller than Ken.

The tree is very old.   It stands in front of the building. The tree which stands in front of the building is very old.

The cake is delicious.   Yumi made it. The cake (which) Yumi made is delicious.

We are looking for the pen.   Ken lost it. We are looking for the pen (which) Ken lost.


The girl playing the guitar is my sister.
The girl ( )( ) playing the guitar is my sister. who is

I tried to read a book written in English.
I tried to read a book ( )( ) written in English. which was

I’ve never seen such a beautiful flower.
This is the ( ) beautiful flower ( ) I’ve ( ) seen. most that ever

I met a girl with long hair.
I met a girl ( )( ) long hair. who has(hadでもよい)


その僧侶がトカゲを与えた男は財産を作った。 The man (that) the priest gave a lizard made a fortune.

このシステムを発明した男は、とても人気がある。 The man who invented this system is very popular.

私たちが訪れたレストランは、とても上品でした。 The restaurant (which) we visited was very elegant.

その女の子が歌った子守唄は、悲しく聞こえました。 The lullaby (which) the girl sang sounded sad.

私たちが習う言語はとても役に立つ。 The language (which) we learn is very useful.

この映画を見る人々は、暴力的になる。 The people who watch this movie become violent.

フランツは窓を通して、人々が建てた教会を見ている。 Franz is looking at the church (which) people built through the window.

ケンは腕を折った少女と話をしている。 Ken is talking with a girl who broke her arm.

私たちは、トムが捕まえた魚を食べるつもりだ。 We’ll have fish (which) Tom caught.

I know the boy (that) Ms. Green gave the book. The boy who broke the window is from Tokyo. I talked with the man who had a cat. The girl (that) I saw yesterday is taller than Ken. The tree which stands in front of the building is very old. The cake (which) Yumi made is delicious. We are looking for the pen (which) Ken lost.

who is which was most that ever who has(hadでもよい)

The man (that) the priest gave a lizard made a fortune. The man who invented this system is very popular. The restaurant (which) we visited was very elegant. The lullaby (which) the girl sang sounded sad. The language (which) we learn is very useful. The people who watch this movie become violent. Franz is looking at the church (which) people built through the window. Ken is talking with a girl who broke her arm. We’ll have fish (which) Tom caught.


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