

Ken made this desk.Did Ken make this desk?

Mr. Brown teaches English.Does Mr. Brown teach English?

They were taking pictures then.Were they taking pictures then?

Akio and Tomoko are in Tokyo now.Are Akio and Tomoko in Tokyo now?

Mike was listening to music.Was Mike listening to music?


My brother likes music.My brother doesn't like music.

The students were eating lunch in the room.The students weren't eating lunch in the room.

Those flowers were beautiful.Those flowers weren't beautiful.

Makoto was writing a letter then.Makoto wasn't writing a letter then.

My bag is under the desk.My bag isn't under the desk.


彼らはそのときどこににいましたか。Where were they then?

私は今、テレビを見ていません。I'm not watching TV now.

ケンはそのとき野球をしていましたか。Was Ken playing baseball then?

マイクは、そのとき何をしていましたか。What was Mike doing then?

あなたは、その本を読んでいたのですか。Were you reading the book?

ウッドさんは、先週いそがしかくありませんでした。Ms. Wood wasn't busy last week.

ユミは幸せでしたか。Was Yumi happy?

Did Ken make this desk? Does Mr. Brown teach English? Were they taking pictures then? Are Akio and Tomoko in Tokyo now? Was Mike listening to music?

My brother doesn't like music. The students weren't eating lunch in the room. Those flowers weren't beautiful. Makoto wasn't writing a letter then. My bag isn't under the desk.

Where were they then? I'm not watching TV now. Was Ken playing baseball then? What was Mike doing then? Were you reading the book? Ms. Wood wasn't busy last week. Was Yumi happy?


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