LastUpDate 2019/12/18



あなたは家族の写真を撮るべきだ。( you / picture / take / family/ your / should / of / a ).You should take a picture of your family.

私たちは30分間待たなければならない。( for / must / minutes / we / thirty / wait ).We must wait for thirty minutes.

私があなたに夕食を作りましょうか。( for / I / dinner / shall / you/ make )?Shall I make dinner for you?

あなたは失敗を恐れてはいけない。( afraid / must / be / the mistake/ you / of / not ).You must not be afraid of the mistake.

あなたのラケットの一つを借りてもいいですか。( of / I / rackets/ one / may / your / borrow )? May I borrow one of your rackets?

私にはあなたの情報が理解できません。( can't / information / your / I / understand ).I can't understand your information.


あなたはお母さんを手伝うべきだ。 You should help your mother.

あなたはその傘を見つけなければならない。 You must find the umbrella.

東京は今曇りかもしれない。 It may be cloudy in Tokyo now.

私は先週、ユミと話すことができました。 I could talk with Yumi last week.

あなたは老人に親切にすべきだ。 You should be kind to old people.

駅までの道を教えていただけませんか。 Could you tell me the way to the station?   (Would you ...でもよい)

買い物に行きましょうか。はい、行きましょう。Shall we go shopping? Yes, let's.

You should take a picture of your family. We must wait for thirty minutes. Shall I make dinner for you? You must not be afraid of the mistake. May I borrow one of your rackets? I can't understand your information.

You should help your mother. You must find the umbrella. It may be cloudy in Tokyo now. I could talk with Yumi last week. You should be kind to old people. Could you tell me the way to the station?   (Would you ...でもよい) Shall we go shopping? Yes, let's.


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