

ケンはちょうど昼食を食べたところだ。 ( has , lunch , just , Ken ,eaten).Ken has just eaten lunch.

彼らはすでに写真を撮ってしまった。 ( pictures , have , the , they , taken , already).They have already taken the pictures.

私はまだそれらの皿を洗っていない。 ( yet , dishes , haven't , those , washed , I).I haven't washed those dishes yet.

あなたはもう宿題をしてしまいましたか。 ( homework , done , have , your , yet , you)?Have you done your homework yet?

( ) に適切な単語を入れなさい

They ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the station.have just arrived at(have just got to)

Ken ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the book.has just found out


その試合はちょうど始まったところです。 The game .has just started (begun)

エミはすでに彼女の部屋を掃除してしまいました。 Emi her room.has already cleaned

マイクはまだそのCDを聞いていません。 Mike the CD yet.hasn't listened to

彼らはもうその窓を閉めてしまいましたか。 the window yet?Have they closed


彼らはまだその機械を作っていません。They have not made the machine yet.

彼女はちょうど起きたところです。She has just got up.

私はすでにその電子メールを送ってしまいました。I have already sent the e-mail.

あなたはもう朝食を食べてしまいましたか。 はい、食べてしまいました。Have you eaten(had) breakfast yet? Yes, I have.

ケンはまだその本を買っていません。Ken hasn't bought the book yet.

Ken has just eaten lunch.They have already taken the pictures. I haven't washed those dishes yet.Have you done your homework yet?

have just arrived at(have just got to)has just found out

has just started (begun)has already cleanedhasn't listened to Have they closed

They have not made the machine yet.She has just got up.I have already sent the e-mail.Have you eaten(had) breakfast yet? Yes, I have. Ken hasn't bought the book yet.


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