LastUpDate 2020/02/24



I ( ) good at

( ) your sister busy now?Is

They ( ) not interesting to me.are


この歌は若い人々に人気があるのですか。(song/ popular / this / people / with / is / young)?Is this song popular with young people?

これらの花はあまりきれいではない。( beautiful / flowers / so / these / aren't ).These flowers aren't so beautiful.

これは私の家族の写真です。( my / picture / is / a / family / this / of ).This is a picture of my family.

私はバスケットボールチームの一員です。( basketball / member / the / of / a / I'm / team).I'm a member of the basketball team.


あれらの本は私達には難しすぎるのですか。 はい、そうです。Are those books too difficult for us? Yes, they are.

これはあなたのお気に入りの物語ですか。 いいえ、ちがいます。Is this your favorite story? No, it's not.

私はコンピュータ会社の技師です。I'm an engineer at a computer company.

私達は学校の準備ができていません。We aren't ready for school.

am Is are

Is this song popular with young people? These flowers aren't so beautiful. This is a picture of my family. I'm a member of the basketball team.

Are those books too difficult for us? Yes, they are. Is this your favorite story? No, it's not. I'm an engineer at a computer company. We aren't ready for school.


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