

私たちはこの川で泳ぐことはできません。( in / can't / river / this / we / swim ).We can't swim in this river.

私たちはたくさんの種類の冒険をしました。( kinds / had / adventures / we / many / of ).We had many kinds of adventures.

たくさんの人々が毎年ロンドンを訪れます。( London / people / every / many / year / visit ).Many people visit London every year.

かれらは今、どこでサッカーをしていますか。( soccer / are / playing / now / where / they )?Where are they playing soccer now?

ユミは彼女のおばの家に滞在することはできません。( her / can't / at / house/ Yumi / aunt's / stay ).Yumi can't stay at her aunt's house.

私は日曜日にときどき映画を見ます。I( on / sometimes / movies / Sunday / watch ).I sometimes watch movies on Sunday.

私たちの市にはたくさんの面白い場所があります。We( of / in / have / city / places / lot / our / a / interesting ).We have a lot of interesting places in our city.

あなたの妹はなぜそんなに早く起きるのですか。( so / does / sister / up / early/ why / get / your )?Why does your sister get up so early?

私たちは5日前、たくさんの写真を撮りました。We( of / ago / took / days / lot / pictures / a / five ).We took a lot of pictures five days ago.

この本は私にとって難しすぎます。( too / book / for / this / is / difficult / me ).This book is too difficult for me.

私の宿題を手伝ってくれませんか。( with / you / homework / me / can / help / my )?Can you help me with my homework?

だれが毎朝これらの花を持ってくるのですか。( brings / flowers / morning / who / these / every )?Who brings these flowers every morning?

We can't swim in this river. We had many kinds of adventures. Many people visit London every year. Where are they playing soccer now? Yumi can't stay at her aunt's house. I sometimes watch movies on Sunday. We have a lot of interesting places in our city. Why does your sister get up so early? We took a lot of pictures five days ago. This book is too difficult for me. Can you help me with my homework? Who brings these flowers every morning?


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