

I have wanted to talk with Aki for a long time.私は長い間、アキと話したいと思っている。

I have been very busy since we moved here. 私たちがここへ引っ越してから、私はずっといそがしい。

How long have you studied English? Since last year.あなたはいつから英語を勉強していますか。  去年からです。


マイクは3時間ずっとテレビを見ている。( hours / TV / Mike / three / watched / has / for).Mike has watched TV for three hours.

前の火曜日からずっと曇りです。( Tuesday / has / since / been / last / cloudy / it).It has been cloudy since last Tuesday.

あなたはいつからケンを知っているのですか。( Ken / long / you / have / how / known)? How long have you known Ken? 

マキは長い間ずっと、その自転車を買いたかったのです。( for / Maki / buy / long / wanted / bike / has / time / the / to / a ).Maki has wanted to buy the bike for a long time.


Mike has been sick in bed two days.for more than

Emi in Osaka seven?Has been since she was

The lion last week.has been hungry since

they used the machine?How long have


マイクは3年間サッカーをしています。Mike has played soccer for three years.

私は先月から、トムに会っていません。I haven't seen Tom since last month.

私は、生まれてからずっと金沢に住んでいます。I have lived in Kanazawa since I was born.

ヒロシはどれくらいの間料理を習っているのですか。How long has Hiroshi learned cooking?


Haruko came to Tokyo twenty days ago. She is still in Tokyo.
Haruko in Tokyo twenty days.has been for

It was hot yesterday. It is still hot now.
It hot yesterday.has been since

私は長い間、アキと話したいと思っている。私たちがここへ引っ越してから、私はずっといそがしい。あなたはいつから英語を勉強していますか。  去年からです。

Mike has watched TV for three hours.It has been cloudy since last Tuesday.How long have you known Ken? Maki has wanted to buy the bike for a long time.

for more thanHas been since she washas been hungry sinceHow long have

Mike has played soccer for three years.I haven't seen Tom since last month.I have lived in Kanazawa since I was born.How long has Hiroshi learned cooking?

has been forhas been since